EMBER is an embodied, mindfulness-based resilience training geared specifically toward people who are rebuilding their lives after experiences of trauma.
The curriculum utilizes tools and techniques from trauma healing approaches including Trauma Sensitive Yoga, Polyvagal Theory, Somatic Experiencing and Yoga Nidra, to teach the key indicators of Resilience - the ability to bounce back from adversity.

Beginning Weeks Exploring Ease. 

Middle Weeks Setting your Path.  

Final Weeks Creating Space for Transformation.

Each session begins with an identical opening sequence to create a sense of predictability and set the tone of a welcoming, nonjudgmental and comfortable environment.   The focus of each class changes from week to week, exploring key skills that help students to build resilience. 


EMBER™  embodied, MINDFULNESS-BASED, EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE TRAININGS ARE TAUGHT AS 6, 8 OR 12-WEEK COURSES GEARED TOWARD ANYONE WANTING TO LEARN AND INTEGRATE MORE MINDFULNESS INTO THEIR LIVES. it is designed to be implemented in recovery programs, yoga studios, prisons, as well as in therapy centers.